The risk of blepharitis increases as a patient ages. A study by Walter Reed Hospital determined that incidences of blepharitis in the U.S. steadily increase from 3% of 18-20 year olds to a staggering 71% of those over 65. That equates to more than 40 million individuals in the 65+ age group with the total number of patients with blepharitis in the U.S. alone is over 82 million people.
According to a study conducted in 2009, “most ophthalmologists and optometrists report that blepharitis is commonly seen in their clinical practice in 37% and 47% of their patients, respectively, and it is widely agreed that the meibomian gland dysfunction caused by blepharitis is the most common cause of evaporative dry eye disease”.
While BlephEx® is not currently covered by insurance, it is a very affordable procedure, especially when compared to the longterm costs of dry eye treatment, which averages $800/yr. If you have blepharitis, you will not only save the hundreds of dollars spent on artificial tears, cyclosporines, antibiotics and antiinflammatories, but for the first time, will actually enjoy the benefits of an effective treatment.
Blepharitis is a chronic, inflammatory disease of the eyelids caused by an overgrowth of normal bacteria living along the lid and the base of the eyelashes. Anyone can get blepharitis at any age, but the prevalence increases with age, since as we get older, we make fewer natural antibodies in our tears.
This overgrowth of bacteria causes crusting along the eyelid, and creates a sticky biofilm that harbors bacterial exotoxins. Since the eyelid margins are difficult to clean, this overgrowth of bacteria, scurf and biofilm can build up over many years.
The sugary biofilm allows even more bacteria to flourish, not only causing a multitude of irritating symptoms, but eventually chronic inflammation, due to the inflammatory nature of exotoxins. The inflammation, in turn, adversely affects all of the structures in the eyelid, namely, the tear glands.
Constant eye irritation, foreign body sensation and chronic dry eye disease are the end result if not treated. Now, thanks to BlephEx®, your doctor can directly clean and exfoliate your eyelids and lashes, and remove the biofilm, which will almost immediately improve your symptoms and help control the long-term damage to your tear glands.
The common symptoms of blepharitis are:
• Itching or scratchy eyes
• Redness/inflammation
• Foreign body sensation
• Mattering
• Tearing
• Dry eyes
• Crusting
• Eye rubbing
This is an innovative nonsurgical procedure that delivers bipolar radiofrequency (RF) technology to smaller, more delicate subdermal layers.
Designed with unprecedented safety, the small size applicator, precision RF depth control, and intelligent temperature monitoring, ensure a safe non-drug alternative.
To our patients – Thank you for voting our office #1
Southland Eye Clinic doctors, in conjunction with University Associates consultants, offer the most complete eye care in the Downriver area, as well as the most extensive emergency eye care coverage.
Hours of operation:
Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
15055 Plaza South Drive, Taylor, MI 48180
Across Eureka Rd. from Southland Mall, behind the Hantz Bank (former La-Z-Boy Store)
Phone: 734-287-2666
Fax: 734-287-3864
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