Dry Eye Solutions

Dry Eye?

Dry eye symptoms occur when either your eyes don’t produce enough tears or if the tears that they do produce are of poor quality. Common symptoms of dry eye include burning, “tired” eyes, scratchiness, grittiness, fluctuating vision, the feeling of something in the eye and tearing. Tearing often misleads patients to believe that they are “watery,” not dry. However, with poor quality/deficient tears the brain reflexively compensates by increased tearing in an effort to keep the eye well lubricated. Certain activities and situations can exacerbate dry eye symptoms.


Blepharitis means inflammation of the eye lids. There are many types of blepharitis. The most common two are Demodex blepharitis (caused by a tiny mite that infests the lashes) and Meibomian gland dysfunction (oil gland dysfunction). Both of these can lead to great discomfort of the eyes and exacerbate dry eye.

Meibomian Gland Dysfunction or MGD

Meibomian Gland Dysfunction or MGD is a term used to describe functional abnormalities of the glands that line the eyelids near the lashes. An oily secretion is produced by these glands. This oil keeps the tear film from evaporating too quickly. When these glands become blocked, this prevents the flow of that oily secretion. In early stages, MGD does not present symptoms. If left untreated, it can cause dry eye and/or inflammation of eyelids.

Demodex Blepharitis

This is a very common infection of the eye lashes by the tiny Demodex mite. It causes crusting and itching of the eye lash base. Symptoms are worse at night. This can be treated with special prescription eye drops as well as exfoliation of the lid margin combined with IPL.

We Can Help


What is Forma-I?

This is an innovative nonsurgical procedure that delivers bipolar radiofrequency (RF) technology to the subdermal layers. Designed with unprecedented safety, the small size applicator precision RF depth control, and intelligent temperature monitoring, ensure a safe non-drug alternative for dry eye caused by Meibomian gland dysfunction.

How does Form-I work?

The small size applicator and precision depth control allow for treatment in small and delicate areas. The radio-frequency energy stimulates collagenases in the sub dermal layers and helps repair the skin structure. The warmth produced by the RF handpiece also melts the solidified, poor quality oils that block the meibomian glands. Forma-I helps to restore the function of the meibomian glands to produce better quality oil, therefore reducing dry eye symptoms.


What is Lumecca-I?

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Lumecca-I uses intense pulsed light (IPL) designed to treat pigmented and vascular lesions. By targeting abnormal vasculature it can reduce inflammation. Lummecca-I uses a very small spot size to treat inflamed areas close to the eyes. How does Lumecca-I work?

Lumecca-| creates tissue heating which helps to reduce inflammation. The small crystal applicator targets inflammation in the eyelids and meibomian glands to help reduce dry eye symptoms


What is Blephex?

BlephEx is an in-office treatment using modern technology to exfoliate and cleanse the biofilm and crust from the inner margins of the eyes. This handheld device removes excess bacteria, biofilm, and bacterial exotoxins quickly with minimal discomfort.

How does Blephex work?

Exfoliating the eye lid margin removes irritating debris and toxins. It also clears debris from the Meibomian gland opening. This allows the oils of the gland to flow more freely to the surface of the eye. If the Meibomian glands are plugged and dysfunctional, doing Blephex will help your doctor get better release of the oils when Meibomian gland expression is done.

Southland Eye Clinic doctors, in conjunction with University Associates consultants, offer the most complete eye care in the Downriver area, as well as the most extensive emergency eye care coverage.

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Southland Eye Clinic

Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

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