Major emergencies.

These are conditions which, if left untreated, may cause permanent loss of sight. If you have any of the following symptoms, you need prompt care.

  • Sudden loss of vision in one eye, partial or complete
  • A curtain-over-the-vision feeling
  • Sudden appearance of many new floaters and/or light flashes
  • Severe eye pain
  • Chemical splash into the eye. In case of a chemical splash wash the eye for 15 min with lukewarm tap water, then arrange to be seen at our office (734-287-2666) or go to the nearest emergency room

If you experience any of the above, seek help immediately. When calling during our working hours make sure to tell the receptionist what your problem is and that you need to be seen immediately (on the same day). If we cannot see you, ask the receptionist to help you find a place to be seen. The Kresge Eye Institute at the Detroit Medical Center has eye doctors on call at all times (313-577-8900). At off-hours our answering service will instruct you what to do.

Troubling conditions, but not true emergencies.

These are uncomfortable or frightening conditions, which do not cause permanent damage. We will try to see you on the day you call but, at times, you may have to wait for a next day appointment.

  • Eye pain or vision loss for over 1 week
  • Bloody red eye on the outside, with no pain or vision loss
  • Pink eye (red, watery, itchy)
  • Lids glued shut
  • Foreign bodies with little pain or discomfort
  • Eye scratches (to reduce pain, patch the eye to keep the lid closed)
  • Lost glasses or contact lenses
Industrial emergencies

We provide extended coverage for industrial injuries and accidents. When a doctor is in the office, we routinely accommodate requests to take care of injured employees with minimal or no delay. When a doctor is not in the office, we will direct you to the Kresge Eye Institute where there is a doctor on call 24/7. During evenings, weekends and holidays, Dr. Belamaric or Dr. Reno are usually available by phone. After we see an employee we send a follow up report to the employer.