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The clear window over the colored part of the eye (cornea)is not perfectly round. It is shaped more like a football rather than a basketball. Vision is similar to that caused by looking through a wavy window pane. Even if you are not aware of it, your eye is constantly working trying to overcome the distortion. In addition to blurry vision, you may experience eye strain and, occasionally, headaches.
It can be corrected with glasses, contact lenses, refractive type of corneal surgery (e.g. LASIK). High tech lens implants during cataract surgery can correct astigmatism.
Myopia (Nearsightedness)
The eyeball is too long for the normal focusing power of the eye. Near objects are seen clearly but distant objects are blurry. Patient can read without glasses but may need glasses for driving.
It can be corrected with glasses, contact lenses, refractive type of corneal surgery (e.g. LASIK). Lens implants during cataract surgery can correct myopia.
Hyperopia (Farsightedness)
The eyeball is too short for the normal focusing power of the eye. If farsightedness is mild, far objects may be seen clearly and the patient may be able to drive without glasses. With more severe farsightedness far objects are blurry and glasses are needed to drive. Near objects are blurry and patient may not be able to read without glasses (depends on degree of farsightedness).
It can be corrected with glasses, contact lenses, refractive type of corneal surgery (e.g. LASIK) Lens implants during cataract surgery can correct farsightedness.
This is a normal eye aging process due to hardening of the lens inside the eye. It causes progressive loss of the ability to see close (at arm’s length). Small print becomes difficult to read. Reading material has to be held farther away. It does not change the ability to see far objects.
It can be corrected with reading glasses (including bifocal lenses) or by a contact lens in only one eye (monovision). LASIK is usually not a good choice since restoring reading vision causes loss of far vision.
High tech lens implants during cataract surgery can provide good near and far vision.